
As hypersonic vehicles become a reality, industry is going to have to determine how to effectively, efficiently and economically manufacture them. Producing these systems is a challenge because of the greater degree of thermal protection and inherent complications produced by hypersonic flight.

Additive manufacturing, because of its relative ease at producing complex structures, could be key to shaping and forming component parts in a cost-effective manner. Artificial intelligence based methods for niche material development is also of interest. Because of its linkages, the Hypersonic Systems Initiative's Manufacturing Focus Group includes members of the Materials and Structures Focus Groups.

Affiliated Faculty

  • David Cavalieri

    Engineering and Design Core Facility
    Expertise: Design/Mechanical Stress-Strain Analysis

  • Robert Chlebek

    Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
    Expertise: Aero. Facilities Management

  • Timothy Ovaert

    Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
    Expertise: Coatings, Carbon-Carbon